How can I get a refund from Vueling Airlines?

You can get a refund from Vueling Airlines through online and offline methods. Both methods will successfully fulfill your cancellation request. But the most preferable option is to go through the web because it is quick and can be done from your preferred location. You need to fill out the refund form and submit it to the airline. You can apply for the refund procedure mentioned below;

  • Open the official page of Vueling Airlines and log in to your account.
  • Go to the manage booking tab and enter your booking reference number, then your surname.
  • After that page will show you the booking details and under that click on the cancel button.
  • Finally, go through the terms and condition page, then tap on I agree to continue to cancel your booking.
  • Following the successful cancellation, you will get the refund option; click on it.
  • At last, a refund form will open on the screen; fill the form with relevant details and click on submit.
  • The airline authority will process your refund and provide money back to your account within 7 working days.

So in this way, you can get a refund for a canceled vueling flight; you can also apply for the cancellation through an app that is available for both the operating systems IOS and Android. The app will provide a user-friendly platform in which you can perform certain tasks on your palm. Go through the below-written method to get a refund on the app.

How can I get a refund from Vueling Airlines through an app?

  • Open the Vueling airline app.
  • Then sign up with your account, and the app home screen will open.
  • Scroll to the manage booking tab, enter booking details, then click on search.
  • After that, pick your latest booking and tap on cancel.
  • At last, go to the canceled booking under that tap on the refund form.
  • Finally, fill out the form and submit it to the airline.
  • You will get a confirmation notification on your registered details.

What is the Vueling airline refund policy?

The airline has introduced a refund policy so you can get your money back without hassle. These policies will make you aware of certain points that you need to avoid while applying for the refund and avoid unnecessary charges on your flight fare.

According to the Vueling Airlines refund policy, if you request the refund within 24 hours of flight cancellation, then you can avoid the cancellation fees and get the full refund in your account details.

On the other hand, if you apply for a refund after 24 hours of canceling the flight, then you need to pay the cancellation fees from your flight fare, and the remaining amount will come to you within a few working days.

If your family member dies and you are unable to catch a flight. Flight gets canceled, then in that case you can submit the supportive documents, and the airline will verify your document and then provide you the refund.

For more information, you can connect with the Vueling Airlines flight refund team via toll-free number 011 34 931 51 81 58/+1 802 304 5760, which is active 24 hours and seven days, to resolve every other issue or query.


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